Osteopathy is a therapeutic method of a preventative and curative approach considering all factors surrounding the patient.

It aims to re-establish the overall consistency of the body in order to preserve functional balance.

The goal of the treatment is to return mobility to restricted structures using soft and safe techniques.

The osteopathic approach is administered by Mélanie Pamerleau, intern in osteopathy at the College of Osteopathic Studies.

Osteopathy Center

Basic principles of osteopathy:

Structure governs functionality

Restoring the axes of mobility so that the structure can efficiently perform its function.


Freeing the vascular, nervous and lymphatic channels so that each cell and each tissue can benefit from the best nutrition possible.

The body as a functional unit

The body is a whole and everything is interrelated. In osteopathy, the overall condition of the patient and research of the cause are as important as symptom treatment.

Auto-regulation of the body

The body has all the resources necessary for proper functioning as long as it is freed from blockages (tensions, restrictions).

Progression of the session:

The therapist will question the patient in order to understand his or her current health condition (health problems, medication). Questions on health history will also be asked (accident, surgery, genetic predisposition). He or she will then perform a total and specific evaluation in relation to the reason for consultation.

A series of manual tests will be performed in order to evaluate the positioning, mobility and vitality of the body's structures.

The goal of the treatment is to identify the cause(s) of the problem. Work on the bones, muscles and fascia will contribute to restoring the mobility of the structures.

A medical diagnosis is sometimes recommended by the therapist in order to ensure safe treatment.

Cost for a session: $108 *

*plus applicable taxes

Duration: approximately 45 minutes