What is kinesiology* ?

The kinesiologist is a health professional who specializes in physical activity and uses movements for prevention, treatment and performance. He or she will help you reach your targets to stay or get back in shape, improve your health, correct your posture, recover from an injury, maximize your performance or manage your stress.

*source The Quebec Kinesiologist Federation

Our approach :

We conduct training programs that promote your autonomy so you can practise the same activities at home with minimal equipment. If you wish to be more closely supervised, our team remains available with high flexibility during private and semi-private training hours. We will monitor your progress and motivate you throughout your training by devising training programs tailored to your needs.

Our vision to help you reach your goals :

Implementing a personalized approach, encouraging quality of movement and promoting adapted progression.

  • Post treatment follow-up for injuries or surgeries
  • Evaluation of your posture, physical condition and limitations
  • Rehabilitation program adapted to your needs
  • Help for individuals with chronic pain
  • Muscle strengthening to correct posture
  • Help to regain mobility
  • Physical fitness assessment
  • Realistic programs adapted to your goals
  • Coaching and motivation for weight management
  • Programs and follow-ups to help you practice your favourite sports as long as possible
  • Personalised programmes to combat loss of independence
  • Suitable for all ages and many physical conditions
  • Physical and mental preparation programs to improve your sport
  • Physical preparation for young athletes, for elites or Masters
  • Seasonal preparation according to the sport: running, tennis, skiing, team sports, etc.
  • Possibility of private or semi-private training (with members of the same team)
  • Stress management through physical activity
  • Stimulating, antidepressant and fulfilling effect
  • Positive effect on the hormonal system
  • Come and work out with our group classes; it's a real mood booster!

Private and semi-private training with a kinesiologist

  • Meeting with a kinesiologist
  • Fitness assessment
  • Fully personalized training programme and follow-up
  • Teaching and supervision of the private training program
  • Possibility of semi-private training (group of 4 people max.) Special price for your own group ($80 + $5 per person for a 60-minute session).

Make an appointment for an evaluation of your physical condition. If you wish, our kinesiologists can create a completely personalized physical training program to help you reach your goals. You will receive and learn about your program during a private appointment. You can then choose to start your training sessions at your convenience with a follow-up that suits you. Our goal is to make you autonomous while remaining available to support you if needed.

Kinesiology consultation (30 minutes) :

This service is for anyone who would like to assess their needs, seek advice from a kinesiologist and learn more about how kinesiology can help them improve their health and fitness. This is not a fitness assessment but rather a counselling session.

Summary Fitness Assessment (60 minutes) :

This summary assessment meeting is an abbreviated version of the full assessment meeting. It includes musculoskeletal fitness testing, flexibility and posture testing, coordination and balance testing. With this meeting, our kinesiologist is able to create a completely personalized physical training program to help you reach your goals. 

Complete Fitness Assessment (90 minutes) : 

This comprehensive kinesiology assessment meeting includes musculoskeletal and cardiovascular fitness testing, flexibility and posture assessment, coordination and balance testing. With this meeting, our kinesiologist is able to create a completely personalized physical training program to help you reach your goals. 

New service in kinesiology :

Joint mobilization and stretching on a table

This kinesiology service is aimed at people who would like to regain joint mobility, lost as a result of trauma (fracture or injury) or disease (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), or to maintain joint range of motion (during paralysis, for example). The session takes place on a table, dressed in comfortable clothing (exercise or yoga pants).

30 minute session $57

60 minutes session $102

Service offered by our kinesiologist Maxime Lavoie

Rates* :

Kinesiology consultation (30 minutes) : $45

Summary physical fitness evaluation (60 minutes) :  $119

Complete physical fitness evaluation (90 minutes) : $179

Development of a customized program : $119

Private training session

(30 minutes) : $49

(60 minutes) : $85 

Semi-private training session 

(30 minutes): $70 + $5 per person (maximum of 4 participants)

(60 minutes): $95 + $5 per person (maximum of 4 participants)


Gym/Studio Basic package : 343 $

  • Full assessment (90min) and program
  • 1 private training session of 60 minutes (program presentation)

Performance Package : 418 $

  • Complete evaluation (90 min) and program
  • 2 x 60 minute private training sessions (1st to present the program)

Complete physiotherapy package: $493

  • Complete evaluation (90 min) and program
  • 3 private workouts of 60 minutes (1st to present the program)

30 minute private training package

6 workouts : $282

12 workouts : $540

60 minute private training package

6 workouts: $498

12 workouts: $960

*taxes not included

The kinesiologists :

Stéphanie St-Onge-Perron, BSc kinesiology

Stéphanie has several years of experience working as a fitness coach and kinesiologist for the Institut National du Sport du Québec (INSQ) and Excellence Sportive Ile de Montréal (ESIM). She has developed and implemented personalized training programs for athletes on the gymnastics, figure skating and water polo national teams. Stéphanie also worked in a physiotherapy clinic and has experience in rehabilitation kinesiology. On top of that, she teaches Pilates and yoga, being a certified 200-hour yoga teacher by the Yoga Alliance.

« I enjoy sharing my passion for physical activity, mindful breathing and relaxation techniques, thereby contributing to the general well-being of people. »

Maxime Lavoie, BSC kinesiology

Maxime has nearly 15 years of experience as a personal trainer. He received his kinesiology training at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. He moved to Montreal to pursue his career as a kinesiologist, working for 7 years with the Nautilus Plus group, in addition to working for two years with the Institut Universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (iugm), where he acted as a supervising kinesiologist. In 2010, he began a collaboration with the Jewish General Hospital's endocrinology clinic, again as a kinesiologist, setting up a kinesiology service and collaborating with doctors to help patients take charge of their health.

« I consider myself to be dynamic and passionate about my profession. I have worked with a diverse clientele, both in age and physical ability. Whether it's for athletic preparation for a sporting event or to help you get back into shape, I will keep you motivated throughout your journey. »